How I manage my time as a student — Balancing studying, writing, and health

<p>Balancing the demands of rigorous coursework, learning to code, my love for writing, and taking care of my health (physically and mentally).</p> <p>Nobody taught me how to manage my time at school. Students are usually expected to learn this (very important) skill independently, by experimenting and playing with techniques to find the perfect system for themselves.</p> <p>I haven&rsquo;t completely reached the goal of building and&nbsp;<em>maintaining&nbsp;</em>this system, but I&rsquo;m trying my best.</p> <p>So, in this guide, I&rsquo;m going to share some of my favourite and most useful principles and techniques that help me stay on track (and can hopefully help you too) and manage time most of the time.</p> <h1>Task &gt; Time</h1> <p>Time is inflexible.</p> <p>If you plan around the hours of your day, it&rsquo;s easy to fall back. And, once you do, it&rsquo;s difficult to get back on track again.</p> <p><strong>Task decides time, time doesn&rsquo;t decide the task.</strong></p> <p>It&rsquo;s better to assign X amount of time to each task depending on you. You also decide the&nbsp;<em>when.&nbsp;</em>As long as you get the task done within your deadline, it doesn&rsquo;t matter when you got it done.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>