Backspin: A Tribe Called Quest — Midnight Marauders (1993)

<p>The midnight hour holds a quiet power.</p> <p>Air thickens. Inhibitions thin. Life&rsquo;s rhythms slow, bringing its throbbing beat into heightened focus as we vibrate in celestial oneness with our surroundings and fellow travelers. A fading day&rsquo;s final moments give way to the rejuvenating possibilities of the next.</p> <p>&ldquo;<em>Seven times out of ten, we listen to our music at night</em>,&rdquo; informs the &ldquo;tour guide&rdquo; that shepherds us through A Tribe Called Quest&rsquo;s transcendent third album. I don&rsquo;t know where the statistic comes from or if it&rsquo;s mathematically true. It&nbsp;<em>feels</em>&nbsp;right.</p> <p>In the daylight hours we&nbsp;<em>play</em>&nbsp;music. It&rsquo;s on as we navigate the gauntlet of life. In traffic. In the cubicle. At the gym. But it&rsquo;s the sanctuary of night that lends itself to&nbsp;<em>listening.</em>&nbsp;Night frees us to experience music&rsquo;s textures and contours as it rumbles from car trunks, cascades from club speakers, engulfs us through headphones during those solitary moments of contemplation.</p> <p>With&nbsp;<em>Midnight Marauders</em>, A Tribe Called Quest delivers not just a soundtrack for our nighttime maneuvers, but an aural embodiment of the night itself. In the words of the tour guide: &ldquo;<em>precise, bass-heavy, and just right</em>.&rdquo;</p> <p>Indeed,&nbsp;<em>Midnight Marauders&nbsp;</em>opens with a meticulously modulated exercise in precision. In stark contrast to &ldquo;Excursions,&rdquo; which kicked off 1991&rsquo;s&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener"><em>The Low End Theory</em></a><em>&nbsp;</em>with a dominant bassline that lassoed us by the throat, &ldquo;Steve Biko (Stir It Up)&rdquo; lulls us into its muted mid-tempo bounce through a rabbit hole of hypnotic balance. Drums snap, basslines boogie, horns intermittently ascend, but no sonic signature reigns supreme. It&rsquo;s a harbinger of the egalitarian production style that ultimately defines the album and the second half of A Tribe Called Quest&rsquo;s run.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Quest Backspin