Talk About Your All-Time Backfires

<p>Most first-year law students know the case&nbsp;<em>Coblyn v. Kennedy&rsquo;s, Inc.</em>&nbsp;The plaintiff was a seventy-year-old man who had been shopping at Kennedy&rsquo;s Department Store. He had taken off his ascot to try on a sportscoat, which he subsequently purchased. He put the ascot in his pocket.</p> <p>But on his way out of the store, a large, young sales associate, believing he had stolen the ascot, accosted him and asked him to come back upstairs to see the manager. He complied, but seemed to have difficulty breathing, and eventually had a heart attack. He later sued Kennedy&rsquo;s for false imprisonment, and won.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Backfires