The Nine Things That Would Make Me Go Back to Church
<p>It’s been five years since I last stepped into a church. Occasionally, I bump into old church friends who ask me if I’ll ever find my way back, and it’s a question that’s been on my mind, too.</p>
<p>I was not just your average run-of-the-mill church-goer either. I was a Pastor — a proud church leader who firmly believed I was doing the “Lord’s work.” I had my theological degree in a beautiful frame, proudly displayed on my office wall. These days, it’s in a box somewhere, and I don’t even mention it.</p>
<p>Having said all that, it’s not like I don’t believe in Jesus anymore. It’s just that I can’t stomach the institutionalized church because much of the church — the way it is organized and structured — represents the very worst of religion. Take it from me: I’ve seen the inner workings of the institution, and there is a lot of toxicity there.</p>
<p>Even so, I’ve never ruled out returning to church one day. It does have some redeeming qualities, after all. But there are certain “non-negotiables” that would need to be in place before I would grace the pew once more. I’ve taken some time to reflect, and here are the nine things that would make me go back to church.</p>
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