Yes, White People Feeding Black Babies to Alligators Really Happened

<p>Afew weeks ago, a debate broke out on Twitter about a disturbing story. Some White people were in denial that White Floridians used Black babies as gator bait. Of course, we would like to think that no one would do such a thing, but the truth is, in the name of racism, White people treated Black people as subhuman, particularly in the south.&nbsp;Using Black babies as gator bait was a blatant attempt to terrorize Black people, which is why so many postcards and artifacts remain.</p> <p>It&rsquo;s essential to realize many newspapers published in the 19th century discussed using children as gator bait in vivid detail. For example, in a snippet in&nbsp;<a href=";index=10&amp;rows=20&amp;words=bait+crocodile+Crocodile&amp;searchType=basic&amp;sequence=0&amp;state=&amp;date2=1922&amp;proxtext=%22crocodile+bait%22&amp;y=19&amp;x=18&amp;dateFilterType=yearRange&amp;page=1" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">The Roanoke Times</a>&nbsp;in 1890, a writer describes how English alligators were difficult to catch. The subheading read, &ldquo;<em>Babies Wanted for Crocodile Bait</em>.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>