The Rock In A Babel Tower.

<p>Conscience and politics do not go hand in gloves; when a man of principle decides to go into politics, there would be crossroads where individual regulations and party policies will collide. For a man who prides himself on competence, capacity, and integrity&hellip; walking into a largely unknown political party whose existing or maybe &ldquo;non-existing&rdquo; structure had become used to collapsing whatever they had; for the most popular candidate of the establishment-related parties would always be a poisoned chalice. The 61-year-old former two-time governor of a southeastern state is a candidate like never before in the Land of Lugard; the inability of the opposition to find any dirt on him apart from the flimsy tax haven accusations remains a plus for him because the understanding of how politics work in this land will make it clear to a neutral observer that this is a man that is very much in a different mold.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Babel Tower