How I Passed the AWS Solutions Architect Associate (SAA-CO3) Exam in 2023

<p>If you have found this article, it means you are interested in taking the AWS Solutions Architect Associate Exam, so let me make it easy for you.</p> <p>In April 2023, I took the SAA-CO3 exam. It took me 2+ months of preparation and practice to pass the exam.</p> <h1>MY BACKGROUND:</h1> <p>I work as a Data Analytics Consultant and have zero AWS experience except for reading and passing the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner exam in December 2021. My company wanted us to improve our AWS skills, so I took advantage of the opportunity to learn more about AWS because passing the exam was not my only goal. I have some knowledge of the services but no hands-on experience.</p> <p><strong><em>How is the Solutions Architect Associate Exam different from the Certified Cloud Practitioner Exam?</em></strong></p> <p>The SAA-CO3 exam is much more difficult than the CLF-01 exam because it delves deeper into each service, teaching you about its uses and connections to other resources, prices, and applications.</p> <p>The exam structures are also different. The SAA-CO3 exams are scenario-based and test your understanding of the products and how they are used, whereas the CLF-01 exam only scratches the surface.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: AWS Solutions