Fine-tuning Stable Diffusion with Dreambooth in AWS SageMaker Studio

<p>In school, I went through engineering (read CAD) drawing. I can draw an isometric view of something I want to build or a part I need to fabricate. By hand, it&rsquo;s not great quality, but it gets the job done. In CAD software ( like SketchUp), I can do a pretty good job. I am absolutely abysmal when it comes to free-hand drawing or doing any real kind of artistic drawing, even on a computer.</p> <p>With Stable Diffusion and other generative AI of the same ilk, the ability to create some truly amazing content is well within reach for those of us whose artistic skill peaked somewhere around ten years old. Being an engineer, I&rsquo;m not satisfied with just going to&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank"></a>&nbsp;or&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank"></a>&nbsp;and entering my prompts. I want to code something. More specifically, I want to code something that will generate super cool, exciting headshots of myself to add to the internet instead of my dull, real-world face (I want to look like an awesome, techno-wizard Dumbledore, from some noir-esque world that is a cross between Blade Runner/Sin City and Harry Potter!)</p> <p>I had a tough time finding a Jupyter notebook that I could run in something like SageMaker Studio and fine-tune my own model.&nbsp;</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: AWS SageMaker