Migrate from AWS Beanstalk to AWS ECS in a Simple Way
<p>What will be our main goals?</p>
<li>Setup the initial AWS infrastructure.</li>
<li>Having a CI/CD pipeline which will deploy new changes.</li>
<li>Having a public URL (HTTP for now) where we can access our application.</li>
<h1>What we’ll deploy:</h1>
<p>I’ll present a bash script that I’ve build for myself which will deploy a fully functional ECS application yet the most simple/basic one. It will consist of</p>
<li>VPC including public subnets and a Security Group</li>
<li>ECS Cluster</li>
<li>ECS Service</li>
<li>ECS Task</li>
<li>CloudWatch Log Group</li>
<li>ECR Repository</li>
<li>Load Balancer (including TargetGroup and Listener)</li>
<p>We’ll make intense use of <strong>AWS CLI.</strong></p>
<p><a href="https://medium.com/7code/migrate-from-beanstalk-to-ecs-in-a-simple-way-9462122299b9"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>