AWS API Gateway and S3 Integration (encouraging the correct way)

<h2>Amazon S3</h2> <p>Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), often referred S3, is a highly scalable, secure, and flexible cloud storage service provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS). It was introduced in March 2006 and has since become one of the most widely used object storage services in the world.</p> <p>S3 is designed to store and retrieve data of any type or size, making it a fundamental building block for many cloud-based applications and services.</p> <h2>API Gateway</h2> <p>Amazon API Gateway is a fully managed service provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS) that allows you to create, publish, secure, and manage APIs for your applications. It serves a central entry point for your APIs, enabling you to connect to backend services or AWS resources while handling essential tasks such as request routing, authentication, authorization, monitoring, and more.</p> <h2>Requirement</h2> <p>There may be a requirement, where you want to upload images to S3 using APIs and not any SDK or AWS CLI, rather directly from APIs!</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>