Our Autistic Sense of Justice Doesn’t Make Us Good People

<p>My strong sense of justice is one of my favourite things about being autistic, and many autistics feel similarly. This is understandable, and many autistics are fantastic social justice advocates. But our appreciation for this trait sometimes leads people into &lsquo;Aspie supremacy&rsquo; type thinking, where we believe we are innately more moral than neurotypicals, or to overlook the flaws that do exist in this way of thinking about and viewing our morals.</p> <p>Many of us have autistic friends or acquaintances with very similar political and moral views to ourselves. This can lead some of us to assume that our sense of justice leads us toward the beliefs we feel are just or moral.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/sticks-stones-and-adhd/our-autistic-sense-of-justice-doesnt-make-us-good-people-1463a309d21b"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Autistic Sense