Seeking an Autism Diagnosis? Here’s Why You Might Want to Rethink That.

<p>A lot of masked Autistics have imposter syndrome about their disability &mdash; they think that because they&rsquo;ve managed to cope thus far with persistent sensory agitation, social confusion, ostracism, and difficulty following vague instructions, that they must not be &ldquo;disabled enough&rdquo; to warrant help or a place in the disabled community. Masked Autistics turn their own flawed coping mechanisms against themselves, believing that since they&nbsp;<em>can&nbsp;</em>force themselves to smile &lsquo;normally&rsquo; (even if it&rsquo;s painful), they should continue to grit their teeth and do so. Or that since it&rsquo;s&nbsp;<em>possible&nbsp;</em>for them to white-knuckle their way through a forty-hour work week (even if it comes at the expense of eating, socializing, or having any hobbies), they don&rsquo;t truly deserve accommodations or extra help.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>