[EN] Atmospheric Preconditioning

<p>Packages need atmospheric testing to ensure that they can withstand different environmental conditions and protect the products inside them. For example, packages that are shipped to cold or hot regions may experience changes in temperature and humidity that could affect the quality and safety of the products. By simulating these conditions in a laboratory, packaging engineers can evaluate the performance and durability of the packaging materials and design, and make improvements if needed. Atmospheric testing can also help reduce product waste and increase customer satisfaction by extending the shelf-life and freshness of the products.</p> <p>Atmospheric preconditioning simulates the effects of different temperature and humidity levels on packages and products. It&rsquo;s often used to evaluate the performance and durability of packaging materials and products under various environmental conditions.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@Medistri/atmospheric-preconditioning-ca1d156c3d4c"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Atmospheric