The Balance of Our Atmosphere

<p>The atmosphere exists as a complex interplay between a wide variety of different processes. These interactions work together to create wind, rain, hurricanes, clouds, and many more phenomena. Many things we take for granted only exist because of these balances. For example, Earth is only at a habitable temperature due to a precise equilibrium between radiation coming in from the Sun, and heat leaving the Earth. I love studying the climate system for this exact reason, it is one big beautiful system!</p> <p>A common tool that scientists use when studying a system like this is to break it down into manageable parts. Instead of trying to take in everything at once, a few processes are isolated to see how they interact. This makes the math&nbsp;<em>much</em>&nbsp;easier and can work as a good approximation. Then, complexity is slowly added back to our understanding. One example of this is what scientists call&nbsp;<strong>geostrophic winds</strong>. These winds exist just as a balance between two different forces, but they explain a lot!</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>