The Magic ATM Machine

<p>I went to get cash from an ATM on Market Street in San Francisco. Two machines in the room; one being used and the other said&nbsp;<em>&ldquo;out of order&rdquo;</em>.</p> <p>While waiting for the good machine I observed a homeless-looking old man walking&hellip; slowly, painfully&hellip; down the other side of the street.</p> <p>Suddenly the out-of-order machine spat out a twenty. Just two of us there, me and the guy on the good machine.</p> <p>I took the $20, held it up and said:&nbsp;<em>&ldquo;Is this anybody&rsquo;s?&rdquo;</em></p> <p>The other guy looked strangely at me.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: ATM Machine