Atlantis and the Garden of Eden: A Contemporary View of Revelation

<p>Though this letter may be considered by some to be a diatribe, it strives earnestly to expose common ground between science, myth, and religious writings, in an endeavor to present a logical and reasonable interpretation of presumably prehistoric events, their impact on the world&rsquo;s current state of affairs, and to provide a means to achieve peace by dispelling false understanding thereof.</p> <p>Before I finished my undergraduate training at university in the geosciences, I was acutely aware of a general disdain and distrust of science and scientists, especially, but not exclusively, by Abrahamic religious radicals and extremists, whose unrelenting principals, whether in Judaism, Christianity, or Islam, attempt to maintain control of their largely unknowing adherents through fomentation of fear of us and our work.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>