At The End Of The Day, No — A Poem

<p><em>Myla Morningstar</em></p> <p><em>Based on a poem by Lisa Sabre</em></p> <p>Is it too late<br /> to write a new story<br /> to plan a new fate?</p> <p>I was still dancing<br /> when the<br /> music stopped.</p> <p>Are we losing our way,<br /> getting lost in desire &mdash;<br /> leaving bare wire &amp; stillness?</p> <p>Are we losing direction?<br /> Can we un-fire the flame,<br /> or un-flame the fire?</p> <p>Is this love?</p> <p>Is there nothing in sight?<br /> My vision is blind<br /> I wasn&rsquo;t done<br /> with you yet.</p> <p>Our past melts,<br /> it burns, its ozone<br /> offends me.</p> <p>Our part, My part,<br /> we melt in the sun,<br /> a slow deliberate burn.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Day Poem