Asynchronous vs. Synchronous Communication in the Workplace

<p>The terms synchronous and asynchronous originate from the world of computer programming. These terms refer to the sequential or non-sequential execution of processes. In synchronous programming, operations run in a sequence, with each process waiting for the previous one to complete before moving on. Conversely, asynchronous programming allows operations to run independently of the main flow, without having to wait for other processes to complete.</p> <p><img alt="" src="*rp5AwCUXUrFG7w7WOtXeZw.png" style="height:568px; width:700px" /></p> <p>These same principles can be applied in the workplace to the way that communication is performed between people and teams.</p> <p><strong>Synchronous communication</strong>&nbsp;involves real-time interactions,&nbsp;<strong>like face-to-face meetings</strong>&nbsp;or&nbsp;<strong>video calls</strong>, where everyone participates at the same moment. Communication must happen at a designated time and in a dialog form with questions and responses being given with little or no delay between statements.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>