5 Astronomical Revelations That Redefined Our Place in The Cosmos

<p><strong>Exoplanets:</strong>&nbsp;Humans historically assumed only this special planet harbored life, making even fictional concepts like Star Wars&rsquo; many populated worlds pure fantasy. But everything changed in 1992 with the confirmed discovery of planets orbiting a pulsar. Today over 5,000 exoplanets populate the databases &mdash; with estimates suggesting one circles every star. This ubiquity reframes Earth less singularly as one small, likely unremarkable planet among sextillions where biology may thrive too.</p> <p><strong>Dark Matter and Energy:</strong>&nbsp;When calculating how gravity shapes galactic motion and cosmic background radiation patterns, physicists uncovered discrepancies suggesting the observable matter was insufficient, with extra invisible mass and energy required. This mysterious &ldquo;dark&rdquo; content making up over 95% of universe&rsquo;s total substance topples familiar perceptions that what can be seen constitutes everything. Reality proved far more unknown than believed.</p> <p><strong><a href="https://medium.com/@theinfosiast_76187/5-astronomical-revelations-that-redefined-our-place-in-the-cosmos-38b189025f85">Click Here</a></strong></p> <p>&nbsp;</p>