Astrology, Jan 18, 2024. Rooted.

<p>A reminder that this period is tense and, the closer we get to the anaretic conjunction of the Sun and Pluto at the last MINUTE of Capricorn. Yesterday, I somehow had 2023 for the dates of aspects at the end of the article. I know what happened, the doc I use to write these had reverted to an older version and I forgot to edit. My bad :) A reminder we also have no significant placements in air signs until Saturday also. So, not only is the energy dense, it&rsquo;s more difficult to think clearly. Not much longer.</p> <p>Today, we have a lovely Earth Grand Trine from the Moon and Jupiter in Taurus, to Mercury, Mars, and Pholus in Capricorn, and Hekate in Virgo that has a sense of putting down roots, of tuning into your body and physical space, and stability.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
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