A Comprehensive Look at Astrological Zodiac Signs Pt. 2: Libra-Pisces

<p><strong>Libra and the 7th house</strong>:&nbsp;<em>Equilibrium, relational skills, balancing polarities, artistic intellect, social assessment, applying morality.</em>&nbsp;We arrive at the 7th archetype transitioning from developmental milestones, our immediate reality, and into complex &ldquo;otherness&rdquo;. Emerging from the first half of the zodiac into the second, we find ourselves dealing in grander currencies &mdash; and similarly, as the mind/body matures, our scope of reality extends to the collective. The zodiac has many polarities, six axes to be exact, and six points of opposition derived from the 12 signs. However, the zodiac, as an entity, has its own singular polarity: Aries (emerging into ego, realizing a tangible individuation) and Pisces (dissolving ego, realizing an intangible enmeshment). Libra falls at a midpoint between these polarities of pure individual reckoning, and pure collective reckoning &mdash; it is balanced, whereas all other signs lean towards either scope.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@tendaijeanette/a-comprehensive-look-at-astrological-zodiac-signs-pt-2-libra-pisces-9ceb1993080c"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>