The Single Most Powerful Astrological Event of January 2024

<p>Okay okay, so this might technically be considered the&nbsp;<em>second</em>&nbsp;most powerful conjunction this month, but to make a case for Mars, it&nbsp;<strong><em>is</em></strong>&nbsp;the planet of &ldquo;overt power.&rdquo; On January 27th, 2024, we will get the (2nd) most powerful astrological event of 2024, ala&nbsp;<strong>Mercury Conjunct Mars</strong>. Mercury and Mars are starting a new cycle, and they are on the same Capricornian page. The conjunction takes place at exactly&nbsp;<strong><em>17 degrees, 17 minutes</em></strong>&nbsp;in sign of Capricorn. So let&rsquo;s examine this&hellip;</p> <p>Mercury is the planet of the mind, communication, trade, short commutes and learning. Our boy Mars is the planet of war, aggression, instinct, irritation, sexuality, and fun fact, is one of the ancient rulers of technology. Mercury and Mars both have an association with speed so we can expect to see a surge of news in the media that contain all these themes. Depending on how you are developing and what this is doing in your chart, it can be happening to you, or you&rsquo;ll notice it&rsquo;s adjacent to you in your surroundings. The conjunct will be making a&nbsp;<strong>square</strong>&nbsp;to the North Node in Aries, which is another indicator of technological advancements.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>