The Astrological Inception of the rabbit r1

<p>Easily one of the showstopping moments at this year&#39;s CES convention was&nbsp;<strong>rabbit</strong>&nbsp;and thier new LAM device,&nbsp;<strong>r1</strong>. Unveiled on January 9th with key planets&nbsp;<strong>&ldquo;Saturn and Venus&rdquo;&nbsp;</strong>prominent on the Las Vegas horizon, rabbit&rsquo;s LAM (Large Action Model) device promises to push human-AI engagement into uncharted territory. Their mission is &ldquo;to create the simplest computer&rdquo; and their new device has some powerful cosmic forces guiding its inception. Take its Sun in Capricorn, ruled by Saturn, always boss-level moves. Venus&rsquo; earthy energy chisels away at the chart with its Taurus ascendant, cementing this planet as 2 things: The eternal ruler of the chart, and the ruler of this specific year for rabbit and the r1. Venus forms a harmonious sextile to Saturn currently in the oceanic Pisces which as I said in my<em>&nbsp;</em><a href="" rel="noopener"><em>Astrologically Violated</em></a>&nbsp;series, is continuing to bring tangible form to imaginative innovation.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>