Astral Status for today Wednesday 17th of January

<p>The Moon transits through the sign of Aries and tonight we will have the crescent and then the Moon will move into the sign of Taurus. This quarter happens at the end of the sign of Aries since the Sun and Pluto are transiting the last degrees of Capricorn and this gives us a slightly peculiar crescent quarter since the Moon will first align with the Sun and then align with Pluto. at the end of Capricorn in a square. This may feel a little uncomfortable but it will happen during the night so if you are having a bit of a crazy night, weird dreams or having trouble sleeping I think it may be that alignment. Keep in mind that when the Moon reaches the first quarter it is already very high in the sky at sunset and you can see it touching the highest degrees of the sky being right above your head when the Sun sets in the west and this happens in all areas. sides of the world when the Moon is in its first quarter phase.&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Read More</strong></p>
Tags: Astrals status