Natural Asset Companies: A Boon for Conservation or Just Another Way to Wring Profit from the Environment?

<p>The biggest takeaway here is that many companies and investors don&rsquo;t value the environment or services that promote conservation because there isn&rsquo;t something in it for them (i.e., money). So, when corporations are asked to follow environmental regulations voluntarily, or the penalty for not following them costs less than complying, they just&nbsp;<em>won&rsquo;t do it</em>.</p> <p>That is where NACs come in: they monetize natural resources and services to incentivize big businesses to support conservation efforts and a better future for all. The question is: will it work?</p> <p>More importantly, is it actually&nbsp;<em>intended</em>&nbsp;to work? Or is this a trojan horse, painted green, to make us lower our guard so the&hellip;</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>