Perspectives on Asset Classes: What I Wish I Knew When I Was Younger

<p>Every investment is made with the expectation that the purchased asset will generate an attractive return through distributions, appreciation, or both. With this perspective, it&rsquo;s useful to differentiate between assets that have the capacity to generate income, versus those that don&rsquo;t. More concretely, bonds, notes, bills and deposits generate income in the form of interest payments, assuming they don&rsquo;t default; stocks give owners the possibility (likelihood?) of an expected stream of income that is either distributed in the form of dividends or otherwise reinvested in the company; other assets like precious metals, commodities, art, or bitcoin, offer only the prospect of price appreciation with no opportunity to realize any associated income unless they are managed in conjunction with other ancillary activities like selling options against those positions; and finally there&rsquo;s real estate.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Asset Classes