Asking These 3 Questions Will Make You a Pro at Pitching Startups

<p>A buddy of mine runs a startup accelerator. He recently invited me to speak to his cohort and meet, individually, with its 12 current companies. Despite the fact that both my buddy and I explicitly explained I was there as a startup advisor and not an investor, all but one of the startups pitched me and asked for money.</p> <p>To be fair, of course they did. Ask any entrepreneur what they wish they had more of, and most of them will tell you they need more money. After all, they need to build products, hire people, get more sales, and so on and so forth. Since those things all cost money, their jobs would presumably be much easier and their chances of startup success much higher if only they had more cash.</p> <p>However, as all these desperate entrepreneurs gave their best effort to get cash from someone who had no plans of writing a check, I couldn&rsquo;t help but wonder why they were wasting their time. Did they genuinely think if they pitched well enough, I&rsquo;d magically find a million dollars to give them?</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>