Meeting the Asiatic Lion in the Wild

<p>There are events in one&rsquo;s life which, no matter how remote, never fade from memory,&rdquo; writes the great hunter and conservationist Jim Corbet. Your first sighting of a lion in the wild has to be one of them.</p> <p>There are only two places in the world where the lion can still be seen in its natural habitat. One is in Africa. The second is in Gir National Park in India. But there is only one place in the world where you can still see the Asiatic lion in the wild. That is in Gir.</p> <p>The Asiatic lion or the Persian lion was once found in Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Iran, Mesopotamia, Pakistan, and India. But today its population is down to just over 500 individuals. All of them are in Gir.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Asiatic Lion