Artwork reflection | Passing Electrical Storms, Shaun Gladwell, Melbourne Now

<blockquote> <p>This unique artwork features a &lsquo;death simulator&rsquo; that offers participants a glimpse into the experience after one&rsquo;s heart ceases to beat. The project aims to visualise the process of bodily death, prompting contemplation on the brevity of human life in comparison to the vastness of the universe.</p> <p>The installation was set up as a hospital ward, with circularly arranged hospital beds, individual monitor screens, and pulse oximeters attached to visitors&rsquo; fingertips. Participants put on VR (virtual reality) goggles and lay on &ldquo;hospital beds&rdquo; to initiate the &lsquo;out-of-body&rsquo; encounter.</p> <p>The journey unfolds as participants witness two doctors attempting to resuscitate them, leading to a sensation of their bodies ascending into the cosmos.</p> </blockquote> <p><img alt="" src="*NgVEJibTceoNoX2F.jpg" style="height:394px; width:700px" /></p> <p><img alt="" src="*ZjvH1GElNFNeVQYG_1Slag.png" style="height:299px; width:700px" /></p> <blockquote> <p>I&rsquo;m keen on examining this artwork in relation to topic selection and curating digital art. This artwork simulates the experience of death and weaves together subjects of science, philosophy, and art. It delves into a profound and contemporary subject matter, using an engaging setting to immediately draw in the audience.</p> <p>However, the actual VR experience itself appears rather plain and discreet, possibly due to the considerations of the size and the publicity of the exhibition. Nonetheless, it stands as a great example of organising an exhibition featuring an artwork that resonates with the public, challenging their perceptions of a topic that often remains less openly discussed while maintaining a manageable level of discomfort.</p> </blockquote> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>