Artificially intelligent: chatbots, grifters, and the new, new ignorance

<p>Eyisha Zyer is a self-styled &ldquo;AI Insider&rdquo; &mdash; an influencer in the artificial intelligence space who has made a name for herself and built an audience of over 50,000 followers by sharing breathless Twitter threads rounding up AI tools, startups, products, and &ldquo;hacks&rdquo;; the majority of which are merely user interfaces built on top of OpenAI&rsquo;s ChatGPT.</p> <p>The influencer, who spruiks artificial intelligence courses and insights, will tell you that she has unlocked the power of AI and can help you to do the same. But until a few short months ago, Zyer&rsquo;s professional experience was a world away from AI, machine learning, or anything related: she was a social media manager for a children&rsquo;s clothing brand.</p> <p>Her followers adore her for her ability to curate and share content on AI, especially those based on ChatGPT. They revere her knack for making complex AI concepts understandable and relatable. The enthusiasm is so infectious that some followers have even begun emulating her, generating their own threads on AI trends and (so-called) insights.</p> <p>Some might call Zyer&rsquo;s story a testament to the democratization of AI. Her journey from managing social media for a clothing brand to becoming an AI influencer demonstrates how AI is becoming increasingly accessible to a broader audience. But for others, it raises the question: who gets to be an &lsquo;expert&rsquo; in this age of rapid technological advancement?</p> <p><a href="">Click Here</a></p>