Asleep in the valley -Arthur Rimbaud

<p>poetry analysis and some important short questions and answer</p> <p>The poem &lsquo;Asleep in the valley &lsquo;is about a young soldier who died and was buried among the ferns and flowers in a valley. This poem was most likely composed in October of 1870. But it was only published in 1888 in the Anthologie Lemerre collection. THE POEM is thought to have been written during the Franco-Prussian War in 1870.</p> <p>GIST</p> <p>The sun is shining brightly in a grassy valley. In the valley, a young soldier is sleeping with his lips open. The valley is traversed by a slow-moving stream. There is a fern pillow beneath his head. He has a chill about him. He&rsquo;s sprawled out on the pleasant, sunny green grass. His feet are in the midst of the flowers. The soldier should be kept warm by nature; else, he might acquire a cold. Nothing will jolt him awake. The soldier&rsquo;s body has two crimson blood spots on one side, indicating that he is already dead</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Arthur Rimbaud