Delhi Wars — The Arrival Trilogy

<p>Sometimes generosity emanates from places you don&rsquo;t expect. When it stems from those with very little, it makes me question the fabric of my own character. In India, I&rsquo;ve witnessed it and have been the recipient of it countless times. It&rsquo;s a very special place, but just like any other tourist destination, there are those in the business of swindling naive visitors. If one can afford to go to India for a holiday, maybe they can also afford to get scammed out of a few hundred dollars. Perhaps it&rsquo;s fair game. Perhaps it depends on the details. Perhaps the universe just wants to see how I react.</p> <p><strong>Episode I</strong>&nbsp;&mdash;&nbsp;<strong><em>A New Hopeless</em></strong></p> <p>It was a trip of many firsts: my first time out of North America, my first trip alone, and my first visit to India. Before I arrived, I read about a page in the Lonely Planet guidebook on the plane. My physiological response coming out of the airport terminal in Delhi would have been no different if I&rsquo;d been arriving on Mars. As the clay-colored dust blew through the air, the new climate, smell, and noise overwhelmed me. The exhaustion and jet lag didn&rsquo;t help either.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>