20 Epic Adventures Around the World

<p>Are you tired of seeing the same adventures over and over again?</p> <p>While giants like Kilimanjaro, Mt. Everest Base Camp, Tour du Mont Blanc, Machu Picchu are classics, sometimes, don&rsquo;t you just want something,&hellip;&nbsp;<em>different?</em></p> <p>I know that feeling.</p> <p>So, I generated this list of undiscovered gems to share with you!</p> <p><em>Of note, I have not done all of them, so some of the information are from secondary sources. I will mention the ones I have done in the descriptions.</em></p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@daringatlin/20-undiscovered-epic-adventures-around-the-world-d4916be6f36d"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Arounds world