7 Most Famous Street Art Legends from Around the World

<p>Ever since I started doing research for my blog on street art, I got more and more curious about the people who were the &lsquo;big names&rsquo; that defined what street art is today.</p> <p>Going through many pieces of content on the internet related to the above question, I came across 7 names that fill the spot of the most famous gamer-changers in the street art world. It felt like a new world of artistic experience had opened in front of my eyes.</p> <p>So, in the following list I will talk about the people that shaped with their work street art as we know it. You will also get to know which one of those artists made it to the uptight scene of contemporary fine arts.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@georgevassiliathis/7-most-famous-street-art-legends-from-around-the-world-325d262a3af3"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Around world