ArkHAUS Discussion Series: Concurrent Investment Rounds

<p>ArkHAUS is slated to launch towards the end of 2022 and is already taking membership applications &amp; deposits. It is possible we could fully sell the memberships (not just deposits) and use that revenue towards purchasing the four vessels. The membership revenues alone are far greater than the deposits and financing costs of the boats. However, this would result in a timing mismatch &mdash; by the time we collect the membership revenue on all the memberships, we would be too late in funding the required production deposits on the boats. So while we&rsquo;d have enough money, it would just be too slow.<br /> As such, we are offering this investment opportunity so we can purchase the boats and undertake all required pre-launch operational activities (legal, location, permitting, marketing, etc). This is being accomplished via a 2-part concurrent raise:</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>