Are You Wasting Your Time and Energy

<p>John lost his way in the midst of his getaway. After a long drive, he arrived at a caf&eacute; in the middle of nowhere. The waitress Casey welcomed him and handed him the menu. Strangely, there were three questions on the menu.</p> <p>&ldquo;Why are you here?&rdquo;</p> <p>&ldquo;Do you fear death?&rdquo;</p> <p>&ldquo;Are you fulfilled?&rdquo;</p> <p><em>This place seemed a bit weird.</em></p> <p>Yet, the smell of bacon was heavenly and it convinced him to stay. After John ordered a breakfast set, Casey started to chat with him as there were no other customers in the caf&eacute;.</p> <p>Casey shared her experience of watching a green sea turtle. When she first saw a turtle in the ocean, she tried to chase after it. Yet, she lost track of it very soon. Afterwards, Casey decided to observe and reflect on why she couldn&rsquo;t keep up with it. A few moments later, she had a realization.</p> <p>She found out that the turtle never flaps its flippers when there are outgoing waves. It takes advantage of the outgoing waves and moves forward instead. On the other hand, Casey was paddling all the time, no matter which way the water was flowing.</p> <p>John was completely baffled by this waitress.&nbsp;<em>Why was she sharing a story about watching the sea turtle?</em>&nbsp;Casey smiled knowingly as if she was able to read his mind.</p> <p><a href="">Visit Now</a></p>
Tags: Energy Wasting