Are You Ready for the Challenge of a Lifetime Before Committing to Write Online?

<p>I guess I know why you are betting your chips on the internet.</p> <ul> <li>You yearn for an additional income stream.</li> <li>You want to call it a day after 4 hours of deep work.</li> <li>You see the widest and deepest market ever built in human history.</li> <li>You believe someone somewhere will buy something from you after some time.</li> <li>You think this internet game is&nbsp;<strong>God, Darn, Easy</strong>.</li> </ul> <p>Maybe all of these are irrelevant to you.</p> <p>You are an online writer or aspire to become one.</p> <p>You believe (rightly or wrongly) that writing online is the pathway to simple and fast monetization.</p> <p><strong><em>To hell with publishers and editors</em></strong>, you scream.</p> <p>Silently. With trepidation. And a healthy dose of skepticism.</p> <p>And then you wonder.</p> <p><em>I have written online for years.</em></p> <p><em>Where is the beef?</em></p> <h1><strong>Whenever Someone Tells You That It Is Easy &mdash; It Is Not</strong></h1> <p>Context frames the content.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>