Are We Making Lambda Too Hard

<p>You may or may not know that&nbsp;I run a weekly serverless newsletter. The newsletter compiles the best serverless content every week and gives a summary with my thoughts.</p> <p>I love doing it &mdash; it&rsquo;s a great way to stay up to date on all the new feature releases and keep up with trending topics. While I won&rsquo;t claim I read&nbsp;<em>all</em>&nbsp;content around serverless, I will claim that I read the majority of it. This has given me a pretty good indication of what people are doing at their jobs, how they are set up, and what people are pushing as best practices nowadays.</p> <p>I&rsquo;m beginning to see a trend that I&rsquo;m not sure I like&hellip; yet. There have been quite a few posts lately about how people recommend structuring Lambda-heavy projects. They talk about the different layers of code, responsibility separation, and code reusability. While these things might sound like no-brainers, it&rsquo;s beginning to make Lambda development feel a bit complex and bring in some habits that seem to fight against the modularity and simplicity the service provides.</p> <h2>Thinking Idealistically</h2> <p>When I think of a perfect environment for Lambda, a few key components come to mind:</p> <p><a href="">Visit Now</a></p>