Archive: Getting (un)Settled In

<p>I originally wrote this in late August last year, less than two months in to us moving to Denmark. We just passed our one year anniversary here, and my perspective has grown and changed in that time. I thought this would be a good post to re-visit since we are at the year mark now.</p> <p>I&rsquo;ll be writing a retrospective over this weekend, which I&rsquo;ve been meaning to do anyway. We just cancelled our Squarespace subscription &mdash; $120 a year for a blog just seemed exorbitant, and we&rsquo;re finding the ease of writing and communicating on Medium just encourages us both to write a bit more. In theory, should eventually point here, but so far, the DNS update hasn&rsquo;t kicked in. I&rsquo;ll keep an eye on it and figure out if it was user error or something else. And with that, enjoy this &ldquo;newly minted immigrant&rdquo; take on their new country from a year ago.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>