Architectural History — 01A: Photography & Frame — Ezra Stoller

<p>Through architecture, designers are able to frame the world on an artistic platform, although their work can often be ignored by the reality of the city and its surrounding environment. Through Ezra Stoller&rsquo;s work, he was able to promote the beauty in architecture in the world that was initially envisioned through an architects original designs and sketches. In his work, it was clearly evident that the use of certain techniques embraced the art of cityscape architecture and how it effects the social1 interactions of a city. As his career as an architectural photographer progressed from the 1930&rsquo;s to the 1980&rsquo;s, he captured and documented the rise of modernism which is still evidentially influential in todays world.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>