Darija Arabic Phrases for Your Travels to Morocco

<p>Not too long ago, I was sitting in a bustling roadside cafe on the way to the Sahara Desert, inhaling the exotic aromas of couscous and mint tea, and listening to the chatter of a dozen or so Moroccan families enjoying a meal together. A few months prior to this trip Arabic couldn&rsquo;t have sounded more foreign to me, but now I could quickly pick out bits and pieces from the locals&rsquo; conversations. I could finally say thank you when handed a steaming chicken tajine and say some colloquial phrases, however deeply accented they might be, to break the ice with anyone. Any traveler knows just how essential and appreciated these actions can be, yet I came to Morocco spontaneously without even thinking to learn a few phrases before the ferry docked in Tangier. Luckily, through the help of my students, Moroccan friends and fellow English teachers, host family, and locals everywhere from the hamam (public bath) to the market, I managed to pick up quite a bit of Morocco&rsquo;s Darija Arabic dialect.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@izabelantle/darija-arabic-phrases-for-your-travels-to-morocco-a5dcbb159390"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Arabic Phrases