Analysis of Masterful Storytelling Devices in Black Sails and their Application to Games

<p>&ldquo;When Captain Flint first arrived on this island, he gained influence faster than any man I&rsquo;d seen before.</p> <p>Or since.</p> <p>I heard men say it was because of the violence.</p> <p>I heard them say it was his charm.</p> <p>But it was clear to me the reason why he was so good at bending men towards his will was he knew the power of a story&nbsp;<em>and how to harness it to his own ends.</em></p> <p>That man there, I would argue, may very well be his equal.&rsquo;</p> <p>&lsquo;You know it isn&rsquo;t even his.&rsquo;</p> <p>&lsquo;What do you mean?&rsquo;</p> <p>&lsquo;The pirate story is Bernard&rsquo;s. I&rsquo;ve heard him tell it before. Can&rsquo;t trust a f*cking thing out of his mouth.&rsquo;</p> <p>&lsquo;Yeah, the story&rsquo;s his, the story isn&rsquo;t his. But the power of the telling&hellip; that is clearly his. At the moment, he&rsquo;s using it to help the captain. But God help us if he ever realizes what else he could use it to accomplish.&rsquo;</p> <h1>Persuasive storytelling of&nbsp;<em>Black Sails</em></h1> <p><em>Black Sails,</em>&nbsp;on its surface, is a swashbuckling adventure during the twilight of the golden age of piracy. That is certainly true and if you cannot stand the setting it would be difficult to get into, but you would be missing out if you miss this show.&nbsp;<em>Black Sails</em>&nbsp;is a wealth of character study, character interactions, and brilliant storytelling devices expertly used to support a primary thesis that is cleverly stated and woven into the story throughout the series &mdash; a celebration of knowledge, will, and storytelling: its power to move people for good and for ill.</p> <p>The plot and thesis, message, armature (however you want to call it) enhance one another. Take the above opening story-quote from the show as an example.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>