Lessons in Chemistry (Apple TV)

<p>If you&rsquo;re looking for something meaningful, heart-rendering and insightful, especially for this holiday season, watch Lessons in Chemistry.</p> <p>Set in the 1950s, it details what women experienced trying to break into the workforce especially when they have (clearly) a superior brain and the qualifications to boot! Comes with interesting plot twists and if you&rsquo;re a tv-movie-veteran like me, unfortunate non-surprises too.</p> <p>Brie Larson captivates the screen with her impeccable acting, straight-faced, near-robotic, logic-based, acid-laced rebuttals.</p> <p>The script is above par and gives credence to what Brie does as Elizabeth Zott, the main character.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@tinydom/lessons-in-chemistry-apple-tv-de3b9be07bf0"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Apple TV