Boost Personal Productivity with Kanban and Apple Reminders

<p>Every year, Apple enhances its stock apps, and in 2023, it is the turn of Reminders. The veteran task manager gains the ability to break task lists into sections.</p> <p><em>Hold on, keep reading. Sections are surprisingly useful.</em></p> <p>It turns out that this innocuous change gives Reminders the ability to implement Kanban, a productivity methodology developed by Toyota.</p> <p><em>Hold on, keep reading. Kanban can help personal productivity too.</em></p> <p>You can use Kanban to monitor progress in a project for a course, content creation, or running a side hustle. It&rsquo;s useful for keeping track of any activity that takes time and can be split into packets of work.</p> <p>I&rsquo;m writing a book, for example, and I&rsquo;m using Kanban to manage the drafting and editing of the chapters. At a glance, I can see how much progress I&rsquo;m making, or not making&hellip; At least I know where the problem chapters are.</p> <p>The Reminders implementation of Kanban has the added benefit of deep-linking between the chart and work-items. That is, you can tap on a work-item on the chart and go straight to the chapter it&rsquo;s associated with.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>