Making an apple pie: Towards understanding the Universe

<p>Quoted by Carl Sagan, &ldquo;If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe&rdquo;. That&rsquo;s probably true. No matter whether we believe in the big bang theory or whatsoever, the universe works as a whole system, and what we sense, think, and act on, is actually the result of the alteration and evolution the universe including us, has gone through billions of years. Therefore, our every single act and decision is a consequence of what the universe have been through. We can definitely not replant the seed and reinvent the universe from scratch, but what we can do is trying to learn and understand how the universe works, so that we can make better decisions and perform better actions. But what does &ldquo;better&rdquo; mean in the context of our lives and the universe? No need to study deeply, but through a simple observation of human history, we can all agree that &ldquo;the apple pie&rdquo; we have made till now is actually not really the best we could do.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Apple Pie