Apple Car is NOT what you think

<p>I want to preface this article by asking you to forget anything you may have read about the Apple Car, and to leave behind any design concepts you&rsquo;ve seen before (Ironically, including the one I included above). In order to attempt and imagine what Apple&rsquo;s Car will be, we very well may need to deconstruct our understanding of how we buy, use, drive, and interact with cars, because this is precisely where Apple will find room to innovate and disrupt. The reality of the matter is, no matter how revolutionary Tesla is (and they certainly are!), their best innovations are so far primarily concerned with electrification and self-driving. In all other aspects, Tesla remains very similar to current car manufacturers, except with advanced newer technologies. Before you get mad, bare with me: you still buy the car from a dealer or through online orders, you still need to &ldquo;refuel&rdquo; by charging up, you still need to tend to any necessary repairs, and finally, you still need to pay for insurance, and own it! You read that right.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Apple Cars