Sorry I Am Late, I Was Doing a Thing I Could’ve Done Literally at Any Other Time

<p>Sorry, I&rsquo;m so late! I sprinted to get here. What a stressful day; I had this one thing to do, and if I didn&rsquo;t get it done today, I&rsquo;d lose the opportunity forever. Actually, I had all month to do it but somehow didn&rsquo;t get to it.</p> <p>Are they still holding our table? I know you booked the reservation six months ago because this place is impossible to get into. It&rsquo;s a good thing I&rsquo;m here in the nick of time and with one minute to spare. I&rsquo;m technically 59 minutes late, but restaurants hold your reservation for at least an hour, right?</p> <p>Can&rsquo;t believe I made it! So proud of myself. Oh, and of you! You made it! You, my dear friend, have officially graduated med school, and I am here to celebrate&nbsp;<em>you,</em>&nbsp;as soon as I stop sweating.</p> <p>So to make a short story long, I had that one critical thing to do today but when I woke up, I just wasn&rsquo;t feeling it. After I dragged myself out of bed, I hand-selected 41 coffee beans, ground them, and made myself a pour-over coffee with my famous homemade oat milk. Then I finally felt ready to get started but I had to take Fluffy for a walk.</p> <p>After the dog park, I sat down determined to get it done but my desk was too distracting. Piles of papers everywhere; how can anyone work like that? I certainly couldn&rsquo;t. Obviously, I had to organize my desk.&nbsp;You know me, once I decide to do something, I just do it.</p> <p>I cleaned my desk, sorted the file cabinet, purged the kitchen pantry, and did a load of laundry. The whole time, I was feeling an overwhelming sense of dread in the pit of my stomach. The pressure of the deadline was looming, but I had to finish what I started. So many Post-its. So many lists. So many expired cans of beans.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>