Antoni Gaudí: a visionary creator of biomorphic forms
<p>Have you ever heard of concrete things having a dialogue among each other and with the nature ? If no then Let’s dig into the story of the person who presented to the world Barcelona’s interpretation of Mordenisme and Art Nouveau.Antonia Gaudi was born on 25 June 1852 in Catalan town of Reu to a coppersmith.</p>
<p><img alt="" src="*6_O3xyt2tN32biIo.jpeg" style="height:680px; width:500px" /></p>
<p><em>Gaudí said that he had “that ability to feel, to see the space because I am the son of a boilermaker. The boilermaker is a man who makes a volume out of a surface; he sees the space before he begins working.”</em></p>
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