What Is Anti-Racism, And Why It Means Anti-Capitalism

<p><em>This&ldquo; book is a polemic against liberal anti-racism that focuses on individual attitudes rather than institutions.&rdquo;</em></p> <p>This is a fascinating well researched and well written book. It raises several important issues. The three of the most important are 1) Structural/Institutional Racism is what is most fundamental. Racist attitudes are a reflection of racist realities. Anti-Racist strategies that focus on the ideas of individuals instead of material reality are doomed to failure and my even be detrimental. 2) Neoliberalism, in spite of its protestations of racial equality, actually reinforces institutional racism.3) In order to be effective, anti-racism must become anti-capitalist !</p> <p><a href="https://sleigh1917.medium.com/what-is-anti-racism-and-why-it-means-anti-capitalism-90155be4a904"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>