Germany’s Anti-Blackness Crisis

<p>It&rsquo;s painful to write this because in my mind, the Germany I remember from years ago was always a welcoming place. Of course there were always problems, but I remember Germany as a country where people were actively working to overcome their tragic history of racial supremacy and exclusion. Thanks to various social and economic crises (driven primarily by capitalism and imperialism), it appears that Germany is sliding backwards into tribalism and demonization of racialized minorities. Refugees, immigrants and racial minorities are now being scapegoated as the cause of these social and economic crises. This coincides with the growing popularity of the neo-nazi &ldquo;Alternative for Germany&rdquo; political party that is currently the second most popular party in Germany today. It&rsquo;s a scary situation.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Anti Blackness